Central Fault Indicating Units CC24plus -bt Compact Central Fault Indicating Unit 24 signal inputs, 5 colors RGB LED display, two flashing frequencies (ISA-18.1/DIN 19235) with UPS, telephone dialer and bluetooth printer, multifunctional parameterizable, wall-mounted housing IP 52 230 x 200 x 100mm CC24plus LC Compact Central Fault Indicating Unit Replaced CC 8 / 16 24 signal inputs, LED display red, two flashing frequencies (ISA-18.1/DIN 19235) multifunctional parameterizable, wall-mounted housing IP 52 230 x 200 x 100mm STZ for fault- and operating messages central fault indicating units with a.o. LED- or plain text display, optionaler UPS, telephone dialer for voice announcement, GSM/SMS, logging, LON-bus od TCP/IP-connection Central Fault Indicating Units as PDF as e-paper