UNITRO innovative
ProdiKA: Prospective Digital Work Design https://www.prodika.de/
The future of work: SMEs - innovative and social
Content of the project:
Changes such as digitization and globalization as well as social developments are leading to a profound change in the world of work. The aim of the funding measure is to develop new concepts and tools of work design and organization in and with medium-sized companies.
In cooperation with 6 other partners, practical guidelines, introduction scenarios, best practice examples as well as an atlas with specific "Industry 4.0 competencies" for SMEs are developed.
Workplace observations, interviews and workshops identify overarching success factors and derive recommendations for a prospective digital work design. The research results are then tested in direct cooperation within the project partners and widely transferred to operational practice via pilot-related implementations.
It enables SMEs to anticipate their day-to-day business in a changing environment.
The scientific results are disseminated through the science network of the research partner and used in the teaching of the cooperating universities.
The project partners:
Institut für Sozialwissenschaftliche Forschung e.V. - ISF München http://www.isf-muenchen.de/
B+M ELEKTRONIK GMBH, Haar http://www.bmelektro.de/
KIMA PROCESS CONTROL GMBH, Jülich https://www.kimae.de/
PR-Tronik GmbH, Karlsbad-Ittersbach http://www.pr-tronik.de/home/
SLCR Lasertechnik GmbH, Düren http://www.slcr.de/
Syslog GmbH, Asperg https://www.syslog.de/
Unitro-Fleischmann Störmeldesysteme, Backnang https://www.unitro.com/
Promoted by:

MiMiK 4.0, People at the heart of the SME network in the context of industry 4.0
The project "MiMiK People at the center of the SME network in the context of industry 4.0" ended on 30 June 2016. Due to the various results, the project partners decided to compile and publish these in a book (ISBN 978-3-00-053090-6). There, interested people find the most important results, but also helpful tips on the topic.
Furthermore, the groundbreaking results of the project were presented on the lecture agenda of the BMBF Congress on Production Research at the Congress-Centrum-Berlin in June 2016.
Content of the project:
Development, testing and implementation of new production planning methods for small and medium-sized enterprises.
The project partners:
intrObest GmbH & Co.KG, Fellbach
intrOnic GmbH & Co.KG, Waiblingen
pr-tronik, Karlsbad
Syslog GmbH Deutschland, Asperg
Institute for Social Science Research, Munich
PFIF Partner for Innovation and Research, Lahr
UNITRO-Fleischmann Störmeldesysteme
Supervised by:
ProfiL - production and organizational flexibility in the life cycle
For UNITRO-Fleischmann, ProfiL was a direction-oriented project. The aspect was examined whether smaller production companies could lose their future prospects if they did not pursue the same modernization concepts and implement them as large companies.
This involved methods such as u.A. Business Process Reengineering, Lean Management, KAIZEN, 5S, TPM, balanced scorecard, six-sigma or integrated production systems.
The company was compared piece by piece, which was already established for pure self-interest and which could also be important for the future development. A company vision and a strategic 10-year plan were developed, which are still being pursued and developed to this day.
No company should be without such long-term future orientation, was the most important finding that was gained.
Further information can be found in the book: "Modernization of small and medium-sized enterprises", co-author Jürgen Fleischmann, however, also gladly provides personal information!