FSB 08/16-48 -P USB

flashing alarm annunciator units with signal storage

programmable via USB, for front panel installation, 8 - 48 signal inputs

Type designation:

FSB 16/08 (16) -P USB
flashing alarm annunciator
8 or 16 signal inputs

FSB 48/08 (16/24/32/40/48) -P USB
flashing alarm annunciator
8 to 48 signal inputs
in 8 input steps


Controls and displays

  • Bright 5mm LED display
  • Separate status indicator (green = Power ON)
  • Easily exchangeable label strips
  • Integrated functional buttons (+ external) + LED-Test


  • Rear integrated Mini USB interface for parameterization using Windows 7 Pro or higher
  • Quiescent / operating current – for each signal
  • Running- / alarm – for each signal
  • Assignment of the outputs
  • Response delay variable for each signal, max. 10min
  • New alert / first alert

Electrical characteristics

Mechanical characteristics

  • Compact plastic junction housing 96 / 192 x 96 x 85 + 25mm. Degree of protection: front IP50
  • Connection: Screw-type terminals, plug connection max. 2,5mm²


  • 8 Outputs, normally-open contacts with common ground (then max. 40 signal inputs) 

Connection diagram FSB 48/…-P USB

Technical data:

  • Type of construction:
    control board housing

    96 / 192 x 96 x 85 + 25mm 
    (cutting for installation: 92 / 186 x 92 + 1mm)

  • Degree of protection:
    front IP50, rear IP20

    (front FSB 08/16 option IP54)

  • Weight:
    FSB 16 approx 400g

    FSB 48 approx 650g

  • Climatically conditions:
    in accordance with UNITRO-Standard

  • Connection:
    screw-type terminals/ plug connectionmax. 2,5 mm²

  • Front panel buttons:
    acknowledge horn

    acknowledge flash light
    LED test

  • External button:
    acknowledge horn (normally open contact)

  • Supply voltage:
    24V AC/DC or

    48-60V AC/DC or
    110/125V AC/DC or
    220/240V AC/DC

  • Max. fuse:
    4A medium slow

  • Input level for signal inputs:
    24V AC/DC ± 10% - 15% max. 4mA

    60V DC ± 10% - 15% max. 2,5mA
    110V DC ± 10% - 15% max. 2,5mA
    220V DC ± 10% - 15% max. 2mA
    230V AC ± 10% - 15% max. 3mA
    voltage tolerance ±10%
  • Minimum signal duration:
    DC: 10ms / AC: 100ms

  • Data retention in the absence of power:
    flash memory

  • Power loss 100% ED:
    24V AC/DC / 60V DC max. 4,5W

    110V DC / 220V DC / 230V AC max. 5,9W
    clocked input circuitry 
    to reduce power loss at DC

  • LED display:
    labeled with marking strips

    - alarm new alert: red flash light
    - alarm acknowledge: red steady light
    - alarm removed: LED dark

    status LED (power on) = green steady light

  • Flashing frequencies:
    alarms 2Hz / 0,5Hz

  • Relay outputs:
    1x group alarm and 1x horn contact, 

    potential-free change-over, max. 250V 5A
    group alarm, 8 outputs normally-open
    with common ground, max. 250V 5A

  • Parameterization:
    via rear Mini USB interface per input:

    - running- / alarm 
    - quiescence- / operation current 
    - switch on delay max. 10min
    - assignment of the output contacts

    overall: first up / new alert

  • Leakage distances and clearances:
    in accordance with UNITRO-Standard

  • EMC, immunity of interference:

    in accordance with EN 61000

subject to change